HIDRAULICA ALSINA, S.A., a Spanish company with business address at Cl. Doctor Ferran, 38 – 08120 LA LLAGOSTA (Barcelona), is the holder of the database.
All information provided through forms written on paper, electronic forms and / or sent by email will be treated with strict confidentiality in accordance with Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December, regarding Personal Data Protection, and we inform you that you have the right to access the document and rectify and cancel your details, and these rights can be exercised by sending a request in writing to Cl. Doctor Ferran, 38 – 08120 LA LLAGOSTA (Barcelona).
The details requested are those strictly necessary in order to identify the sender correctly, and carry our basic administration and training tasks.
HIDRAULICA ALSINA, S.A. has committed itself to responsible and confidential use of data, assuring that user’s data will be dealt according to legal demands and they will only be used by HIDRAULICA ALSINA, S.A. and companies within its service needs with the stated aim.
Collected data are suitable, appropriate and not excessive regarding described objectives and purposes. The user will respond, in any case, of the veracity of provided data, HIDRAULICA ALSINA, S.A. reserves the right to exclude from registered services to every user providing false data, without prejudice to other actions proceeding in Right.
Consent from the sender
Through the sending of existing forms in these web pages or through the sending of an electronic mail, the sender gives consent to automated processing of included data. In any case, provided data will not be transfer to third parties.